The Medicine Travels is a philosophy that was born the summer my best friend was attending the California School of Herbal Studies. If we could bottle the joy we all felt perusing the students’ beautiful medicines at the year-end medicine show, it would shine through this notion. If we could build a virtual marketplace, it would vet herbalists and prioritize bioregionalism; medicine made from plants local to the herbalist. It would include an interactive map for supporters to explore their local herbal ecosystem, and highlight the herbalist’s process and story. We want to inspire more folks to fill their cabinets with herbal products and remedies, including making their own — as part of a larger goal to move people away from a reliance on toxic medicine and beauty products.


I personally wildcraft herbal medicines from plants I encounter in the San Diego region and on my travels to the Sierras and Mexico. I like to listen to whichever plants are whispering to me to work with (recently: milky oat tops tincture, sacred datura flower essence, and elder flower cordial). I either gift these to friends and family, or sell them within my community and I call this medicine basket of mine “One Red Whisker” after my dog Ukko’s one red whisker.



“Pharmacognosy is the study of poisons and remedies. The emphasis on gnosis over logos connotes an experimental tradition, based more on sampling and testing than on theory… The greatest poisons are mind poisons, those that destroy conceptions, unlearning everything you have been taught. In the dialectic, poison is the antithesis.”

Pharmkognosis: Plant Teachers and the Poison Path, Dale Pendell